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Staff Cost - Total staff cost during the 2018/19 financial year split into permanent and non-permanent staff. CategoryTotalX4. Agency Spend - Total amount spent on agency staff in the 2018/19 financial year split into in Trusts staff groups (e.g. Medical, Nursing, Adin, AHP etc.) and speciality/grade (e.g. Consultants, GP, ICU Nurse, Acute Nurse, Occupational Therapists, Pharmacists, Health care Assistants, etc.) depending on how this is reported within the Trust.18/19 Expenditure '000Non Permanent (bank and agency) Staff TypeClinical StaffMedical ConsultantsCareer/Staff GradesTrainee GradesTotal Medical Staff Non-MedicalRegistered NursesSupport to Nursing StaffOther ST & T StaffTotal Non-Medical Staff Total Clinical Staff Non-Clinical StaffNHS Infrastructure SupportTotal Non-Clinical StaffTotal Agency Spend18-19 Expenditure '00026 679x:1;9ccB g2ɀ !=@  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"B333333?333333?r &<3U} $} $}  } } m} m } $} m        S UV WT M NX ?B?C`@D`@ EF5@G@H @ EFI@G̑@H@ EF@Gp@Hq@ E  F?Gy@Hy@ E  F@GC@HD@ E  F"@G`@H@ E ~ F@ G~ H@ I JW@Kȱ@L$@40*******4>@KJ  b(b(,Lf&3?ggD g2ɀ {BgD  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"333333?333333?̜&<3U} } } m }  } m   Y U [VQZ ? @ @ A OB(@C@Cg@Di@ PBf@C?CM@D@n@ IJ`h@K@Kn@L{@d,B00>@KJb(b(,Lf&3?ggD g2ɀ /FuG  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"333333?333333?̜&<3U} m!} m} $   , ,   , RRRRRRRRRR ] ^ _~ `A _~ `@ ]~ a AP*>@  ggD g2ɀ HL  dMbP?_*+%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?"333333?333333?&<3U} $} } H@      \\\\\\\\ b r* cd ef gh3}e@ g~ hw@ ih@ jk?o@ e  h i! hN`o@ i" h@_0~@ l# mS\U]@ n$ hE&@ nh o%p/Q58@ c&h i'hl9j@ q(pl9j@ b)k\8%ٻ@*h&     >@%"!!! ggD Oh+'0@H\t  Wood JulieShelton HeatherMicrosoft Excel@BaA@x[՜.+,0HP X`hp x  Q1.excl medical and dentalQ1.medical and dental onlyQ2Q4  Worksheets  !"#$%&()*+,-.0123456Root Entry FWorkbookMSummaryInformation('DocumentSummaryInformation8/