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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`8FOI 5619,8(NHow many Never Events have the trust reported in the last two financial years?1How many staff have been trained in Human FactorsBHow many of your Trust Board have received Human Factors training?(How many staff make up your Trust Board?Relating to point 4 above, how many of these staff have been trained in Human Factors by a qualified Human Factors Engineer (Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors)Relating to point 7 above, how many of these staff have been trained in Human Factors by a qualified Human Factors Engineer (Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors)QuestionResponse2017-18:2018-19:RWhat are the contact details and Job title for the Trust NATSSIPs / LOCSSIPs Lead?Number:Text:$Any additional explanation required:^How many procedures are subject to NATSSIPS and or LOCSSIPs per year? (estimated total volume)MHow many staff participate in procedures covered by NATSSIPs and or LOCSSIPS?RHow much has been spent on Human Factors training in last two financial years? ()]We do not hold this information. Our data is not managed in a way that we can calculate this. We do not hold this information.9We do not hold data centrally for Human Factors training.>As described above, we do not hold this information centrally.We do not hold this centrally. Services review their own training needs. As members of AQUA human factors, training can be received from them.{13 members of our current Board attended a human factors awareness training session delivered by AQUA in September 2018. 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