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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`AAFOI 5855,8>EFREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST: Staffing organization and expenditure NHS Trust:FY17/18FY18/19Comment (optional)Staff organization1.Please quantify the number of vacancies of the medical staff in the Trust for the following staff groups (over the last three years):TotalFoundation doctors Core traineesSpecialty trainees ConsultantsNursesPlease tick as appropriate: In-house bankAgencies-Name of the outsourced staff provider, if any1Main benefits for the Trust of choosing an agency2.Can you please confirm whether the Trust uses an in-house bank or refers to staffing agencies for staff recruiting for the following staff groups: In-house bank expenditure2.a) If the Trust has an in-house staff bank, could you please quantify the related expenditure, over the last three years, for each of the above mentioned categories?Staffing agency expenditure2.b) if the Trust refers to staffing agencies, could you please quantify the related expenditure, over the last three years, for each of the above mentioned categories?2Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation TrustFY16/17Unable to split the agency figure between core and specialty trainees and therefore the figure provided for core trainees covers bothOBank are used to fill gaps not recruit to subsantive posts we recruit in-house.The figures represent the fte vacant in each of the groups as at 31st March 17/18/19. 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