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Number of Employees3d. Full Time Equivalent (FTE)P4. Please list the software the organisation uses for the following HR functions4a. HR4c. Recruitment4d. HR/Workforce Analytics>4e. Other employee/HR related systems for tracking or planning5. Please state which Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software the organisation utilises e.g Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft, Workday26. Does the organisation have a HR data warehouse?HR Workforce FOIPlease provide the information below, if it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limited identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the act, as to how i can refine my request.O2a. What is the organisations total gross pay costs (all expenditure on staff)35u2b. What is the organisations total pay costs on your permanent workforce (staff that hold permanent contracts only)IJ22c. How much did the organisation spend on contingent (non-permanent) or temporary workers (this includes any temporary or contract workers such as agency workers, casual workers, temps, self-employed workers / contractors, inc. PSCs, umbrella companies, and all types of short and long term contractors) [\?On average, how many contingent (non-permanent) or temporary workers has the organisation engaged with: (this includes any temporary or contract workers such as agency workers, casual workers, temps, self-employed workers / contractors, inc. PSCs, umbrella companies, and all types of short and long term contractors) hi4b. Payroll (if the organisation uses multiple payroll software for different workers/payroll frequencies ie. substantive, agency/weekly, monthly payroll - please list all)    Alison BalsonDirector of Workforcealison.balson@wwl.nhs.uk Vikki McManus Head of HRvikki.mcmanus@wwl.nhs.ukLyndsay WallworkSenior HR Business Partnerlyndsay.wallwork@wwl.nhs.ukElectronic Staff RecordTRACHWe house HR information in the Trusts Data Warehouse (supplied by CACI).BInformation can be found in the Trust Annual Report, link providedN/AmPlease note that the above numbers do not include agency workers has we do not record agency spend by worker.4Allocate Health Roster and Doctors Rostering System.28 a9V;6=7B Bi cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGR.e1a$n%N91G7Z(Lj$>{ҿQ>HjlIh촪b-{gv|g'=/:~E[7 r!7\&0;9$4 kas6r}SXi٬ kGAsPZxC}s7T A`?^R|{֯A)oViנt] f9dQ)/P yt),b-FO@)$zh QGpED 0\UF:W@?i i !SNy?yW޼W6Veda?~ǗH }˯S+.Lۯ_:w9:1c# $BĒ@v_#m' xg:J3F{; pOeXxJ=B5w%%WRُE!ED `)Ǝ}Nec2L>'^I& B ڲǨk|f#a[ ?2(v?B2r O/0epp<^ ø~Lױ䒜t!L䀝#/]1I"8EC&]cf~@^w?!rcH&"@7+̬aWʮ]N[->˜s4{A--FU+";V{IMGDX!; z+Q#O}i!T9g*}@&>itWYK w忋1ؗO-ؗ /-ݔym&Z3A`-X/DT]b+޴1$l~ڞ8vix܊uVg_J9jpۚZ%1Tݜu\w5}Wo/_2:^Ƈ㺗NV>N/S/٨ӎG{|ұ\S|$_4 *9}܉#en8#,Dz!%pbc6KO:UuVVd1^ q8),NrBn(ː0&I$Ae$} Fs+(,-~@- z!8|z]̏}ƴ"ZMn+{VM)u[}B^%UVLfQSwӰ٨];6  #76jt0xrQ CM_-[mvBv9h{4my&Oފv~-*pX A R7 aX zPXdW~Wt^w|?׀xs]sc27e}_dڨ]ov;*^7zA3 ~Jj_ V jn춆AEπ <yPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!R0; theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  g2ɀ 'owix  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\wwlxerps1\Xerox_Follow_You0C 4dXXA4 (210 x 297 mm)DINU"D~SMTJXerox PullPrn PCL6 V4.0.548.8.0RESDLLUniresDLLXrxTrueTypeFontDlOptionTTF_DOWNLOAD_AS_TRUETYPEXrxEdgeToEdgeEDGE_TO_EDGE_OFFColorMode24bppXrxHalftoneXRX_NORMAL_HTXEROX_JOB_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_ENDCBOrientationPORTRAITCollateONDuplexVERTICALResolutionRes600x600PaperSizeA4D1NRX    MSCFf,90R(//Uncompressed-Data//7Y (CKZklU>;--Bveچ 6i! 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