ࡱ> EGD }bjbj## .:AA}bbbbbvvvv$v0   $|b?b     ?bbTuuu Fbbu uuu/7JiS"uj0uuubu  u     ??u                 (: Please State how many networked diagnostic medical imaging devices, e.g. CT, ultrasound, etc. are used by the Trust. Please include all DICOM endpoints that have a local image store when calculating this. i.e. include diagnostic workstations as well as scanners. Number of medical imaging devices99 How many of these devices are full drive encrypted or have their image store encrypted or do not have a local image store? Number of devices with encrypted image store or no local image store0 encrypted - 32 no local image store Please state how many of these devices have operating system and application patches applied and the frequency. Below table should be used Regular patch applied monthly or more frequently-Patching applied less than monthly86Patching never applied13Dont know if patching is applied- Please state number of devices connected to the trust network in below table. Directly connected to trust network99Connected on separate firewalled network- How many of these devices have anti-virus or other anti-malware software that is updated, when new definitions/updates are available? Number of devices with antivirus/antimalware updated as new definitions released.59Number of devices without antivirus/antimalware.40Number of devices where antivirus/antimalware status is unknown.0 The next question relates to dataflows. For the definition of this question a dataflow can be viewed as either a DICOM send or a DICOM Query Retrieve. So for example if a capture device can send a study to a workstation and the same workstation is allowed to Query and Retrieve a study from the same capture device this would be counted as 1. Please complete table with number of data flows. How many internal unencrypted dataflows 2How many internal encrypted dataflows0How many external unencrypted dataflows0How many external encrypted dataflows0How many data flows where encryption status is unknown0 Do you have policy and procedure for secure removal of patient data on loan, lease, trial or end of service devices that includes medical devices? Yes Do you have a Legacy I.T. Hardware & Software Security Policy? YES B]st   ) * + , - .     $ S w { ꮣꮘ{{p{p{eh5i"h.CJaJhh[CJaJhh.CJaJh5i"huCJaJ h5i"hh5i"hxCJaJh5i"hyhCJaJh5i"hCJaJhT]rCJaJhhF~CJaJhh(N8CJaJh(N8CJaJhhCJaJhhuT~CJaJhhGCJaJ& ) , - .  ^kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"d$Ifgd5i"l    xvv^^d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"      9 : ; < = T e h z ·–uùnun h5i"h,h5i"hxCJaJh5i"h,CJaJhh[CJaJhhGCJaJhh4CJaJhhxCJaJhh,CJaJhh.CJaJh5i"hxCJaJh5i"hCJaJ h5i"h.h5i"h.CJaJh5i"hDCJaJ' x``d$Ifgd5i"l kd4$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"   x``d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"  9 ; x``d$Ifgd5i"l kdh$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"; < = xvv^^d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i" x``d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i" g xvv^^d$Ifgd5i"l kd6$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i" ) e g 3 4 5 6 7 Tv;<=>?defgh߷ͬ߀߀߀߀€h5i"hTVCJaJhh[CJaJhhCJaJhhxCJaJhhGCJaJh5i"hxCJaJh5i"h[CJaJ h5i"hxh5i"hPjCJaJh5i"hxCJaJhh4CJaJhhLCJaJ/ x``d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i" 3 5 x``d$Ifgd5i"l kdj$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"5 6 7 xvqYYd$Ifgd5i"l gdGkd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"x``d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"<>x``d$Ifgd5i"l kd8$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i">?egx``d$Ifgd5i"l kd$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"ghx``d$Ifgd5i"l kdl$$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i":}xvvvkd $$Ifl0 #w t0644 lapyt5i"459:_wx|}ЪhhCJaJhFhFCJaJhFCJaJhuT~CJaJhTVCJaJhhLCJaJhh/CJaJhh4CJaJ h5i"h[,1h. 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