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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`>Sheet1gSheet2TiSheet3,8 W&eI would like to request under freedom of information the following for the last five financial years;Year0Please confirm Directorate Risk Management is in)Please confirm Directorate Security is in2Please confirm Directorate Health and Safety is in/Do you have a dedicated Head of Risk Management(Do you have a dedicated Head of Security/Do you have a dedicated Head of Health & SafetyBHow many Managers/Lead specialists do you have for Risk Management;How many Managers/Lead specialists do you have for SecurityBHow many Managers/Lead specialists do you have for Health & SafetyHow many administration staff do you have for Security (i.e. NOT guards / parking staff etc.ONLY administrative staff inc. advisors, coordinators specialists etc.How many administration staff total do you have for Health & Safety (inc. advisors, administrators, coordinators, specialist areas etc.2012-132013-142014-152015-162016-17 2017-to dateZAre any of the titles in column 4,5, or 6 amalgamated. If so please confirm the job title How many administration staff total do you have for Risk Management (inc. advisors, administrators, coordinators, specialist etc.^1xHealth and Safety Manager, 1xHealth and Safety Advisor and 1xHealth and Safety Co-ordinator See aboveYesEstates and FacilitiesNo!Corporate Nursing and GovernanceNoYes1xHealth and Safety Manager^1xHealth and Safety Manager, 1xHealth and Safety Advisor and 1xHealth and Safety Co-ordinator See above$1 - Head of Security and Car Parking$1  Head of Security and Car Parking%1  Head of Security and Car Parking0 Risk Management is everyone s responsibility and included in WWL Job Descriptions. The Head of Governance and Assurance, Health and Safety Manager and Head of Resilience along with Divisional Governance Teams, have critical roles in supporting risk management processes. 1x Health and Safety ManagerSee above (although please note the Head of Governance post was replaced with an Associate Director of Governance post in 2015-16)*4 {68 :,:ccB g2ɀ  $_f  dMbP?_*+%,&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?M\\wwlxerps1\Xerox_Follow_You0C 4dXXA4 (210 x 297 mm)DINU"D~SMTJXerox PullPrn PCL6 V4.0.548.8.0RESDLLUniresDLLXrxTrueTypeFontDlOptionTTF_DOWNLOAD_AS_TRUETYPEXrxEdgeToEdgeEDGE_TO_EDGE_OFFColorMode24bppXrxHalftoneXRX_NORMAL_HTXEROX_JOB_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_SETUP_ENDCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_PAGE_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_DOC_FINISH_ENDCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_BEGINCBXEROX_JOB_FINISH_ENDCBOrientationPORTRAITCollateONDuplexVERTICALResolutionRes600x600PaperSizeA4D1NRX gf   MSCFh,90R(//Uncompressed-Data//x̓(CKZklU>;--Bve mC v æ4-DvB>c#j"TDW $>B_75MI3v.ٝLn7gsϹ3oJ55L XW_\#ە,tsWhv+dZjV:Æ >Iދi?dD϶uό7Q,THs@^lg4渨%W!rνIT7{Km.wIG0|2})x ־6, ^ϟ,}+u_>٢pQvtYE[ -2q59g}F[rB *I&wvw,rSyTGԊQPuW)[]e+3.XM5846 ڭ4AA{ *Bܭ&mXD0vu*h.*Eϭj@_'4JY8 ;8)'dX1x]ErM>*AeU:ltقXi]Ͱ;- q`KS$8%+ SQ369k"yǺ|P cKp=U ~ dd #+O&{j]{ߐN+Lf%0|1wEB5 1vډ#b+ItVqچUl.˥^.cgx(^N>9MBhxT~Vrj,[1V+&RG[|~+7Jbg<^U.]W]ˉcfg2UcڇJ g9+D:M݈{vQk'T(_~5V *B|<c ˨̋U c-~J!8s\BT_C^ 偷 cxuZרC:4!y:DqC)Auy}favTW0^f!KPC:TuTw:D&סqAu;b"PjPb^`5CSQRxAC'3؉9 숶zHͥY%8~,ziߕw $4~=S5@kRK*n ® N{vcwV џ4x];v!+ /MV3,i5j;~ CZ`Ru2zCZ(PCZ(PsH ej6BٕVO6WXE%حFKɑV:@kNϑLE p.?G :ypB^|27GGeip#~Q9T(Cq GhK/h{z9r^<5D[.葧h˳z% rH?T@?@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@"@@$@@&@@(@@*@ A B B B B B B B B  B  B  B  B  B Q J J J L L L L J#  O  J$ LL?  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