Continence Service

Provision of a comprehensive continence advisory service across the Wigan Borough. The service provides specialist clinical advice, guidance and support to health and social care professionals, carers and clients with regard to continence care. The service provides a comprehensive continence advisory service across the Wigan Borough.

This includes:

1. Specialist clinical advice.

2. Guidance and support to health and social care professionals, carers and clients with regard to continence care. 

The continence service aims to:

  • To promote continence awareness for all people residing in the Wigan Borough
  • To provide expert specialist clinical advice and guidance to health care professionals working across the Borough with regard to continence care
  • To provide training and educational programmes to staff groups, internal and external
  • To provide direct specialist clinical care
  • To work in partnership with all health and social care providers
  • To provide leadership and direction to facilitate optimum continence care

The service can be accessed by people of all ages with a GP within the borough of Wigan and Leigh.

Clinics are held weekly at the following locations:

  • Ashton Clinic
  • Atherton Health Centre
  • Golborne Clinic
  • Hindley Health Centre
  • Leigh Health Centre
  • Longshoot Health Centre
  • Pemberton Clinic
  • Platt Bridge Clinic
  • Standish Clinic

A joint specialist nursing/physiotherapy bowel dysfunction clinic is held monthly at Leigh Infirmary and Wrightington Hospital.

A joint clinic is held bi-monthly at Leigh Infirmary with the Urogynaecologist and Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Clinical consultations are also undertaken in the client’s own home, day centres and care homes.

Educational and training sessions are undertaken at numerous locations across the borough.

Referrals are accepted from all sources. All referrals are received centrally either by e-mail, letter or telephone. They are then triaged by a specialist practitioner.

The urgency of the referral and the most appropriate setting for a consultation will then be decided.

Further information/ consultation maybe necessary from the referrer.

Telephone consultations can be arranged within 72 hours. Direct or indirect advice may be given sooner.

If a domiciliary consultation is indicated this should be undertaken within six weeks of receipt of the referral.
If a clinic appointment is indicated, this will be arranged at a clinic local to the client within eight weeks of receipt of the referral.

Clinical Activity

The assessment, planning, care giving and evaluation of the needs of individual client’s with bladder and bowel dysfunction. Treatments offered include:

  • Behaviour modification techniques
  • Pharmaceutical treatments
  • Physiotherapy treatments

The provision of clinical advice, interpretation of symptoms and problem solving strategies to health care professionals. Expert opinion is given in regard to policies and practice in relation to bladder and bowel dysfunction.

Educational Activity
One of the functions of the service is to provide training and education to all interested parties within the Wigan Borough.

Training and education is available to all, and is offered in a variety of settings, tailored to meet individual groups requirements. Presentations are a mix of lecturing, group work and interactive work. Sessions can vary in length from hourly to daylong; they can stand-alone or form part of a comprehensive unit.

Management Of Home Delivery Service
The service is responsible for the effective management of the home delivery service of continence products to clients within their own homes and in the residential care setting.

Management includes choices of product, storage, delivery and stock control. Close monitoring and audit monitors client satisfaction linked with clinical effectiveness.

Continence Service

1st Floor
Hindley Health Centre
Liverpool Road

Tel: 0300 707 1526
