Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance is the system by which the Trust is directed and controlled at its most senior level in order to achieve its corporate objectives and meet the necessary standards of accountability and probity. Effective corporate governance is essential for a Foundation Trust to achieve its clinical quality and financial objectives. Documents under this heading are evidence of how the Trust operates its governance systems and controls, including regulator reporting procedures.
Modern Slavery Act 2015 – Statutory Statement
The Trust is fully aware of the responsibilities it bears towards patients, employees and the local community and as such, we have a strict set of ethical values that we use as guidance with regard to our commercial activities. We therefore expect that all suppliers to the Trust adhere to the same ethical principles.
In compliance with the consolidation of offences relating to trafficking and slavery within the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Trust has a process in place for reviewing its supply chains with a view to confirming that such behaviour is not taking place.
Click here to read a copy of the Trust's modern slavery statement 2023-24.
Key Documents
WWL Constitution
Terms of Reference
Nomination and Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference
Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference
Annual Reports
Corproate Goverance Documention
Conflict of Interest - Policy
2022/23 Self Certification provider licence conditions G6 and CoS7
2022/23 Self Certification provider licence FT4
Risk Appetite Matrix 2024/25
Representation of the Public interets and patients in the community
Statement of responsibilities 2023