DESMOND Type 2 Diabetes Programme
DESMOND stands for Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed. More simply it is a way of finding out more about Type 2 diabetes, a resource to help you manage the changes diabetes will bring to your life, and an opportunity to meet and share experience with others.
- What is Involved?
Come along to a friendly and interesting talk about ways you can manage your condition and meet other people with Type 2 diabetes.
Our one day sessions are available in your local area and are designed to give you an opportunity to talk about your diabetes with our specialist staff and about the things that matter to you.
- What will I get out of a DESMOND session?
Quite a lot!
As well as getting up-to-date information, you will learn practical skills which you may find helpful in managing your Type 2 diabetes.
We will also discuss openly the factors relating to diabetes, such as food choices, activity and medication and you will also be able to meet and talk to others in the same situation.
At the end of the sessions, everyone taking part in DESMOND will have practical information to take away to help them.
If you like to talk to us and receive more information before you attend the session please don’t hesitate to call us, we would be happy to chat with you.
- Contact Details
Desmond Education Programme
Admin Hub
Golborne Clinic
Lowton Road
Email: wwl-tr.desmondservice@nhs.net
Contact Number: Tel: 0300 707 3483
Textphone: 18001 01942 483483
Website: www.wwl.nhs.uk