Equality Delivery System (EDS)

What is the Equality Delivery System (EDS)?

The EDS is an improvement tool supporting NHS organisations to make improvements in equality, diversity and inclusion. 

  • To improve the services they provide for their local communities.
  • To review and develop their approach to addressing health inequalities. To identify any inequalities and barriers in access, experiences, impact and outcomes and work towards removing these.
  • Provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS.
  • To help NHS organisations meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) 
It is about ensuring all NHS providers are getting it right for everyone, for people from all protected characteristics.


The EDS is made up of Three Sections (domains): 

Domain 1:     Commissioned or provided services 

Domain 2:     Workforce Health and Wellbeing 

Domain 3:     Inclusive Leadership 

Across these, are 11 Outcomes, where evidence is considered and scored, leading to an overall rating, designed to provide assurance or point to the need for improvement.


Have your say on our equality and inclusion work for 2024-25:



EDS 2023-24:

During 2023-24, WWL implemented the full requirements of the new EDS2022 Framework.  The full report is shared here:

Equality Delivery System EDS2023


EDS 2022-23:

During 2022-23, WWL implemented as many aspects of the EDS2022 as possible, to prepare for full implementation in 2023-24.  The full report is shared here.


EDS 2021-22:

In March 2022 the Trust undertook its 10th assessment of performance against the EDS (every year organisations are required to assess progress against the EDS and score themselves accordingly).

For service delivery, the following 2 outcomes for Goals 1 and 2 were selected for review:

Goal 1

Outcome 1.1

Goal 1

Outcome 1.4

Services are designed and delivered to meet the health needs of local communitiesWhen people use NHS services their safety is prioritised and they are free from mistake, mistreatment and abuse.

    Goal 2

Outcome 2.2

People are informed and supported to be involved as they wish to be in decisions about their care.

From the evidence reviewed, it was proposed that Outcomes 1.4 and 2.2 be graded as ‘achieving’.  Evidence can be provided for 6 to 8 protected characteristics for these outcomes.  There is little evidence from the data of any groups of patients who fare less well.  Healthwatch Wigan and Leigh agreed with our scores.

View our Proposed Grades and Supporting Evidence for Goals 1 and 2
View our EDS2 Service Evidence Report


EDS 2020-21:

At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, confirmed that the specific reporting duties of the Public Sector Equality Duty would be suspended for the financial year 2020-2021. Although the Trust did not produce an EDS Assessment Scores and Equality Objective Annual Review Report for 2020/21, work around the requirements of the Equality Delivery System continued to enable the Trust to further develop strong foundations that support the progression and implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion principles into mainstream processes. Our EDI Annual Monitoring Report 2020/21 report demonstrates the commitment within the Trust to progress work around equality.


EDS 2019-20:
During March 2020 the Trust undertook its 9th assessment of performance against the EDS (every year organisations are required to assess progress against the EDS and score themselves accordingly).

For service delivery, the following 2 outcomes for Goals 1 and 2 were selected for review:

Goal 1

Outcome 1.1

Services are designed and delivered to meet the health needs of local communities

Goal 2

Outcome 2.4

People’s complaints about services are handled respectfully and efficiently

View our Proposed Grades and Supporting Evidence for Goals 1 and 2
View our EDS 2019 & 20 Service Evidence Report
View our EDS 2019 & 20 Service Evidence Report Appendices (to follow)

EDS 2018-19:
In March 2019 the Trust undertook its 8th assessment of performance against the EDS (every year organisations are required to assess progress against the EDS and score themselves accordingly).

For service delivery, the following 2 outcomes for Goals 1 and 2 were selected for review:

Goal 1

Outcome 1.2

Individual people’s health needs are assessed and met in appropriate and effective ways.

Goal 2

Outcome 2.1

People, carers and communities can readily access hospital, community health and primary care services and should not be denied access on unreasonable grounds.

 Find out more about our EDS Scores for 2019
 View our EDS 2019 Services Evidence Report


EDS 2017-18:
In March 2018 the Trust undertook its 7th assessment of performance against the EDS (every year organisations are required to assess progress against the EDS and score themselves accordingly).

For service delivery, the following 2 outcomes for Goals 1 and 2 were selected for review:

Goal 1

Outcome 1.5

Screening, vaccination and other health promotion services reach and benefit all local communities

Goal 2

Outcome 2.3

People report positive experiences of the NHS

 Find out more about our EDS Scores for 2018
 View our EDS 2018 Services Evidence Report

2017 Update
In March 2017 the Trust undertook its sixth assessment of performance against the EDS (incorporating the Trust’s Equality objectives) and obtained feedback from key stakeholders. An action plan has been developed to address gaps & areas for improvement.

 Find out more about our EDS Scores for 2017
View our EDS 2017 Services Evidence Report
View our BME Diabetes Patient Experience Survey 2017

Our EDS Action Plan for 2017/18 has been updated to reflect the actions outstanding from 2016/17 and to incorporate the new actions which have arisen from the 2017 EDS assessment.


2016 Update

In March 2016 the Trust undertook its fifth assessment of performance against the EDS (incorporating the Trust’s Equality objectives) and obtained feedback from key stakeholders. An action plan has been developed to address gaps & areas for improvement.  
Find out more about our EDS Scores for 2016

 Find out more about the EDS  

 View our EDS 2016 Services Evidence Report 

 View our EDS 2016 Patient Feedback Survey Report 

Our EDS Action Plan for 2016/17 has been updated to reflect the actions outstanding from 2015/16 and to incorporate the new actions which have arisen from the 2016 EDS assessment. 


2015 Update

In March 2015 the Trust undertook its fourth assessment of performance against the EDS (incorporating the Trust Equality objectives) and obtained feedback from key stakeholders. An action plan has been developed to address gaps & areas for improvement. 
 Find out more about our EDS Scores for 2015

 Find out more about the EDS 

 View our EDS 2015 Services Evidence Report

 View our EDS 2015 Employment Evidence Report

 View our EDS 2015 Patient Feedback Survey Report

Our EDS Action Plan for 2015/16 has been updated to reflect the actions outstanding from 2014/15 and to incorporate the new actions which have arisen from the 2015 EDS assessment.