Equality Impact Assessments (EIA)

Like all public bodies the Trust has a statutory duty under the Public Sector Equality Duty to analyse the effect of its policies, services and functions on the workforce and service users and to publish the results of the analysis and evidence information used.

The purpose of an equality impact assessment is the ensure that our services, policies and practices do not directly, indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally discriminate against the users of our services or our staff. Where a negative impact is found, we will mitigate the impact through the development and implementation of equality improvement plans.
Undertaking an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) enables us to consider the impact of each current and proposed service, policy, procedure or function, not only with regard to ethnicity, disability, age and sex, but also in relation to religion and belief, sexual orientation, and human rights. It is designed to ensure that ‘due regard’ is given to equality in relation to our service users and the manner in which we recruit, train and develop our staff.

Our EIA consists of two parts:

(a) An Initial Assessment (Stage 1)

(b) A Full Assessment / Improvement Plan (Stage 2)

The Trust has developed an Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit, to assist managers in undertaking assessments of policies, strategies, services and functions.

Completed Equality Impact Assessments:
Since 2010, the Trust has undertaken comprehensive assessments across a wide range of services and policies.

View a copy of our Equality Impact Assessment Guidance Document

To obtain a copy of an Equality Impact Assessment, please contact: 

Inclusion and Diversity
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane

Telephone us:
Debbie Jones, Inclusion & Diversity Project Lead (Services) , 01942 822217
Joanne O'Brien, Assistant HR Business Partner / I&D Lead (employment), 01942 773820

E-mail us: equalityanddiversity@wwl.nhs.uk.