Leaving Hospital
If you are worried about how you, or your relative / carer will cope when you are discharged from hospital, please feel free to discuss this with your 'named nurse'.
By the time you are ready to leave hospital, the staff will have made arrangements for any continuing care you may need at home or elsewhere, after discussing it with you and your relative or carer.
You may be given medicines and/or dressings that you will need during the first few days at home. After that your GP will prescribe any further medication. If you need any follow-up visits to the outpatient clinic, we will book the first appointment before you go home.
If you need the services of a district nurse or one of the hospital's specialist nurses, this will be arranged for you. If you need a social services assessment, this will be arranged as early as possible.
If you don't have transport to take you home, please notify your 'named nurse' (the nurse who has been allocated to look after you whilst you stay with us) or the nurse in charge.
Before you leave the ward, remember to:
Leave a forwarding address, if you are not going to your home address.
Ensure any money or valuables in safe-keeping are returned to you.
Take details of your follow up appointments.