Membership Engagement

There are a variety of engagement opportunities available to our members. We host regular events or presentations throughout the year that are open to all members to attend with no obligation. Further details of any up-and-coming events can be found in the news section of the Trust website.

The Trust has a patient reference group which is made up of Foundation Trust members, who have agreed to take part in questionnaires and surveys. They provide us with valuable feedback on a variety of topics from service delivery, patient experience and wider topics/projects that are taking place around the Wigan Borough and within Greater Manchester.
When you apply to become a Foundation Trust member, you are given the option to register to become a lay reader to assist with proof reading hospital documents or patient information leaflets. Lay readers are sent information to review and provide feedback and comments on it's usefulness, appearance, readability and use of language. Comments are fed back to authors who are then able to make changes, aiming to ensure that the Trust produces a more user friendly and patient orientated document.

If you would like further information on the Trust's membership engagement – please do not hesitate to contact the Corporate Affaird Team on 0300 707 2186 or via email: