WWL Marks World Sepsis Day and World Patient Safety Day

WWL marked World Sepsis Day and World Patient Safety Day—two vital occasions that remind us of the importance of timely medical care and patient safety - on September 13.

Sepsis, a life-threatening condition, claims millions of lives globally but can often be treated effectively with early recognition and management. Over the past two weeks, Shauna Keggin, Sepsis Lead at WWL, has visited some of our community sites and community teams to spread the awareness of Sepsis, speaking to staff and members of the public.

Marking the day with a joint event, including World Patient Safety Day which is marked on September 17, teams at WWL discussed Sepsis, Patient Safety, Martha's Rule and how audit can support better patient outcomes.

Shauna said: “Supported by our Education Teams, we have carried our both Adult and Paediatric Sepsis Simulations, which have been informative and engaging, with positive feedback from staff. 

"We have also been privileged as a Trust to have Sarah, a mother who lost her child to Sepsis in 2019, share her daughter, Lauren’s story with us, which was very emotional, however a vital part of raising awareness of Sepsis and the impact the condition has on both patients and families. Thank you to everyone who has engaged with us this month and those who will engage with us as we continue to spread awareness and support in recognizing and managing Sepsis. Together, we can make a difference in saving lives and improving patient safety.”

Shauna and her team will be visiting WWL’s Wrightington Hospital site at the end of September to undertake training and continue to raise awareness of Sepsis throughout the month.