Dr Yeng Ang
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Reflux Disorders
Barrett’s Oesophagus
Upper GI Cancers
Endoluminal Ultrasound
Endoscopic Haemostasis
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Argon Therapy
Therapeutic Stenting
Endomucosal Resection
Telephone: 01942 773119
Tuesdays and Thursdays Thomas Linacre Centre, Suite 1 from 13:30 - 17:00.
Qualifications: MD, FRCPI, FRCP(LONDON), FEBG
Yeng is on the Specialist Register as a Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist. He has been a Consultant Gastroenterologist at WWL since 2002 providing a high quality, evidence based and patient centred service. He provides a comprehensive Gastroenterology Service with subspecialist areas of interest in upper GI diseases and therapeutic endoscopy such as ERCP. He has performed vast numbers of therapeutic endoscopic procedures with high success and very low complication rates. He was the recipient of the prestigious British Society of Gasroenteology Paul Brown endoscopy fellowship in November 2007.
He is a keen teacher and dedicated to teaching and training of medical students and junior doctors. He is the undergraduate tutor at WWL for the University of Manchester (Honorary Lecturer) and the University year three OSCE Examination academic lead. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at University of Salford leading the upper GI module of the MSc. in Gastroenterology of Northwest Deanery and sits on the Examiners Board.
Yeng has published well over 30 publications including original articles, review articles, book chapters, research letters and abstracts. He is also the recipient of several grants for conducting high quality research (from sources such as Health Research Board, Ireland; Cancer Research UK and the National Institute of Health Research Network).
He is the Northwest regional lead for the largest chemoprevention trial of Barrett’s adenocarcinoma (in the top 10 recruitment centres). He also supervises MD fellows in the University of Manchester and is a member of the Gene Expression and Cell Signalling group and part of the research group of the recently established Manchester Cancer Research Centre and Academic Department of Radiation Oncology, The Christie.
He takes an active part in the management of the trust activities. He is the Associate Clinical Director of Cancer Services of WWL. He sits on the Trust Research and Development Committee, Clinical Trial Committee and Trust Education Committee.