Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Department is responsible for the pastoral, emotional, spiritual and religious well-being of all those whose lives brings them in contact with the Trust, be that staff, patients or relatives and carers.
- About Us
The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Department is responsible for the pastoral, emotional, spiritual and religious well-being of all those whose lives brings them in contact with the Trust, be that staff, patients or relatives and carers.
A huge task, but one which lots of other people throughout the hospital all contribute in many ways. As a Team we cover all the sites of the Trust and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in emergencies; operating two on-call rotas – one for Roman Catholic patients and one for everyone else.
We are there for everybody of all faiths and beliefs, and those of none, respecting the equality and diversity of individuals, as well as working within boundaries laid out in the national Chaplaincy documents. We try to visit the wards on a regular basis but a lot of our work also comes from referrals; so if you know someone who is in hospital or coming into hospital please do, with their permission, let us know.
So who are we? The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Department consists of:
Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Manager: Rev Canon Anne Edwards
Chaplain: Rev Michele Ryan
Assistant Chaplain: Rev Caroline Tracey
Assistant Chaplain: Rev Pat Brown
Assistant Chaplain: Jane Reynolds
- Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us for any reason if you think we can be of help with anything pastoral, emotional, spiritual or religious. A message can be left on telephone number 01942 822324 or 2314 or an email sent to and we will get back to you as soon as possible. In an emergency a chaplain is on-call 24/7 can be bleeped via switchboard.