Health Development Team - Community Services
The Community Health Development Team carry out an Holistic Assessment, which includes physical and social wellbeing, environment issues, advice on aids and adaptations and transport.
- About Us
Following an assessment, our intervention may include:
- Confidence building
- Accessing social opportunities
- Advice on privately purchasing personal or domestic aids / equipment.
- Advocacy and advice
- Support and advice to carers.
The team also refer on to other services and voluntary organisations such as Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Fire Service, Age UK and Pensioners Link.
- Who can access the service?
The service is available to patients over the age of 50 with low to moderate needs and who are registered with a GP in the Wigan Borough.
- How can people access the service?
Referrals are accepted from any source via single point of access on 01942 822643 via a contact assessment form sent via fax to 01942 264440.
The team encourage anyone wishing to discuss a referral to telephone them on 01942 481942 or 01942 483700.
- Where is the service offered?
The service is based in patients own homes or any other community environment where interventions are required.
- Contact details
The team is based at:
The Wigan Life Centre South
South Site
College Avenue
Telephone: 01942 481942