Audiology - Adults
Welcome to Adult Audiology Services – here you will find information about the services we provide which we hope you will find useful.
We provide a range of high quality digital hearing aids, comprehensive hearing and balance assessments, hearing aid fitting, rehabilitation services and therapy for hearing impaired adults – all of which are entirely free.
What is Audiology?
The term Audiology refers to the science of hearing.
A much broader definition of Audiology is the discipline involved in the prevention and identification of hearing impairment; which includes evaluation of hearing disorders, the selection and evaluation of hearing aids and the habilitation/rehabilitation of individuals with hearing impairment.
Got a question? Check our FAQ - Frequenly Asked Questions
- How to find us
There are two Adult Audiology departments; one is situated on the first floor at the Thomas Linacre Centre in Wigan and the other in the Orange Zone at Leigh Infirmary
Opening Times
Audiology service opening hours are 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact Us
Audiology Department
Suite 2
Thomas Linacre Centre
Parsons Walk
Audiology Department
Orange Zone
Leigh Infirmary
The Avenue
Telephone: 0300 707 5667
Text: 07920 289578
- Contact us online
You can make a request to our Audiology Services by using our online form below. Services include making an appointment or requesting a new prescription.
- Meet the Team
Kathryn trained and qualified as an Audiologist at Hope Hospital in Salford in 1988. She worked there with both Adult and Paediatric patients until 2000 when she joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust.
Kathryn holds overall responsibility for the clinical and administrative aspects of the department. She is the lead for information and clinical governance, health and safety and infection control. She has special interests in the management of tinnitus and providing advice on hearing aids and accessories that are currently not available via the NHS.
Kathryn has a Clinical Educator qualification. She is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA), Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) and Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Katie completed her training at the University of Manchester and joined Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in 2008.
Katie is Clinical Lead and Audit Lead for the Audiology service. She has special interests in Complex Needs assessments and providing advice on hearing aids and accessories that are currently not available via the NHS. She also leads on the transition of patients joining the service from the Children’s Hearing Service.
Katie has a Clinical Educator qualification. She is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA), Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) and Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Elizabeth joined Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in 2002 as a student hearing therapist and completed her training at the University of Bristol.
Elizabeth is Clinical Champion for Rehabilitation and for the Severe/ Profound Service. She has special interests in communication training, rehabilitation and hearing aid management, tinnitus and providing training packages on hearing loss awareness to staff and the wider community.
Elizabeth has a Clinical Educator qualification, an Education and Training (Level 3) qualification and is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA) and the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) .
Jennifer joined Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in 2000 as a student audiologist and completed her training at the University of Salford.
Jennifer is Clinical Champion for the Audiology Balance service. She has special interests in vestibular diagnostics and tinnitus assessment and management. She is also the department’s Veteran Aware Champion.
Jennifer has a Clinical Educator qualification and is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA) and the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) .
Clare completed her training at the University of Manchester and joined Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in 2006.
Clare is Clinical Champion for the Private Dispensing Service and Severe to Profound hearing loss service. She also has a special interest in all aspects of adult assessment and rehabilitation including tinnitus.
Clare has a Clinical Educator Qualification and is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA), Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) and Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Lucy completed her training at the University of Manchester and joined Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in 2011.
Lucy is Clinical Champion for the Complex Needs Service. She has special interests in complex needs assessment, tinnitus and student training.
Lucy has a Clinical Educator Qualification and is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA), Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) and Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Lottie completed her training at the University of Manchester and joined Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in 2015.
Lottie is Clinical Champion for the Tinnitus Service. She has a special interest in tinnitus, complex needs assessment and student training. She is also involved in the department patient feedback and statistics.
Lottie has a Clinical Educator qualification and is a member of the British Academy of Audiology (BAA) and Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) .
Uzma completed her training at the University of Manchester and joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2017.
Uzma is Clinical Champion for Auditbase (Audiology Patient Management System).
Special Interests: Vestibular diagnostics and severe/profound assessments and rehabilitation.
Uzma is a member of the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS).
Sannah completed her training at The University of Manchester and joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2023.
Special interests: Adult assessment and rehabilitation.
Sannah is a member of the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS).
Gifty completed her training at De Montfort University and joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2023.
Special interests: Adult assessment and rehabilitation.
Gifty is a member of Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).
Sanaa completed her training at The University of Manchester and joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2024.
Special interests: Adult assessment and rehabilitation.
Sanaa is a member of the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) .
Jaina completed her training at The University of Manchester and joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2024.
Special interests: Adult assessment and rehabilitation.
Jaina is a member of the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) .
Nicola joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2003.
Special Interests: Hearing aid maintenance classes and assisting with Complex Needs clinics.
Ruth joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2015.
Special Interests: Ruth is part of the staff engagement team. She is also responsible for collating information from our Leigh patient feedback service ‘We Are Listening’ and feeding back to the staff lead.
Beth joined the team at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust in 2021.
Special Interests: Hearing aid maintenance and troubleshooting.
The Audiology Clerical team are: Sarah Fuller, Carla Fletcher, Lucy Gregory and Karen Knowles. They provide support for the Audiology service including; appointment bookings, answering the telephones, replying to email requests, manning the reception desks, dealing with enquires and various other administrative duties. They are always happy to help with any enquiries and provide information as required.
- Repair & Collect Service
We offer a Repair and Collection Service.
If you are experiencing problems with your hearing aid, you can drop it off at reception and leave it with us for 2 working days. Please only attend in the following times:
Leigh Infirmary Reception times:
Monday to Friday
9am to 12 noon
1pm to 4pm
Thomas Linacre Centre Reception times:
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 12 noon
1pm to 5.30pm
- Complex Needs Service
It is estimated approximately 10-40% of adults with a learning disability have a hearing impairment. If hearing has not previously been assessed, barriers to communication can have an impact conversation with others, involvement within a group and confidence.
We offer a specialist service for adults with complex needs or learning disabilities who require a hearing assessment, reassessment or support with their hearing aids.
In the hearing assessment appointment, the Audiologist would like to establish if there are any concerns hearing in different listening situations, obtain a brief history, examine the ears and complete a hearing assessment [if appropriate].
Who is suitable for referral?
New patients
We accept referrals for clients with mild-severe learning disabilities or other complex needs.
Existing patients
We can review any patient who has previously been under the care of our Audiology service and feel a hearing reassessment would be beneficial.
Who can refer?
- GP
- Community LD Team
- Social workers
How to refer?
Relatives, friends or carers who suspect the patient is having difficulty hearing, can contact the department or GP to discuss their concerns. It is advised a GP or nurse practitioner, examines the ears for wax before the hearing assessment appointment.
Referral Form
Any of the above listed professionals, can complete their own referral form or the Audiology referral form, available here.
The referral form will be read by the Audiologist, before an appointment is arranged by the clerical team.
Meet the Team
Katie Park –Deputy Audiology Manager
Lucy Highfield – Senior Audiologist
Charlotte Bradburn – Senior Audiologist
Nicola Wane – Associate Audiologist
Sannah Aleem - Audiologist
Contact Us
Telephone: 0300 707 5667
Text: 07920 289578
Adult Audiology Services for Patients with Learning Disabilities
- Hearing Aid Maintenance Classes
The Audiology Department now offer small group sessions demonstrating basic maintenance of hearing moulds.
In these sessions you will learn how to retube your own earmoulds and carry out basic maintenance on your hearing aids. If you would like to take advantage of these free classes please enquire at your next appointment, or contact the department:
Telephone: 0300 707 5667
Text: 07920 289578
- Swim Moulds
What are Swim Moulds?
Swim moulds are designed to stop water getting into the ear and protecting the ear canal and middle ear system. They are made from hypoallergenic medical grade silicon and come in a variety of colours and styles.
Who Do They Benefit?
People who have undergone ear surgery or people who have:
- Chronic swimmers ear
- Perforated ear drums or modified middle ear systems
- Persistent ear infections
At present we can only see patients who are 16 and over.
How are they fitted?
Patients will come to the Audiology Department either at the Thomas Linacre Centre in Wigan or Area Five in Leigh Infirmary and their ears will be examined by one of our highly trained Audiologists.
An impression is taken of the ear and is then sent off in order for the swim moulds to be made by the manufacturer. Once they have been made, patients will have an appointment at the Audiology Department to ensure that the moulds fit properly.
Consultations are free but a charge is made for the swim moulds themselves. Please ask your Audiologist for details.
How do I make an appointment?
Contact the Audiology department directly.
Audiology Contact Details
Telephone: 0300 707 5667
Text: 07920 289578
- Severe or profound hearing impairment clinic
Hearing impairment is defined by the quietest level of sounds you can hear; known as your hearing threshold and is measured in decibels (dB).
These hearing thresholds are used to categorise your hearing as normal, mild, moderate, severe or profound impairment.
The Severe- Profound Hearing Impairment Clinic provides specialised support for patients with an average hearing loss of 80dB or worse, who are having difficulties with their hearing aid provision. This ensures these patients have access to optimal management with a full range of audiological testing and hearing aid provision, rehabilitation and onward referral to other services if appropriate.
The Severe/ Profound audiologist will assess the history of the hearing loss, the current difficulties experienced with hearing and any other related symptoms. Additional specialist hearing tests will be completed if appropriate.
Your ear moulds and hearing aid settings will be optimised, as well as providing advice on communication tactics, assistive listening devices and other services (such as sensory services team and access to work).
Support services and groups
National Cochlear Implant Users Association
Offers help to everyone who may benefit from cochlear implant. The organisation campaigns for them to have the opportunity to be implanted, and it represents ongoing interests of cochlear implant users. They hold 2 meetings per year to give the opportunity to see expert speakers, to discuss concerns and to examine latest developments from manufacturers. Also they have local support groups.
Contact Details
National website:
Local Group – Cicadia Club (Contact Kevin Williams)
Address: Kevin Williams
Honorary Chairman
107 Manchester Road
SK14 2BX
- Tinnitus Service
What is tinnitus?
Tinnitus is described as the perception of sound without an outside sound being present.
Tinnitus can be many different sounds and is very individual. People report sounds such as ringing, whistling, humming, buzzing, whooshing and other sounds. Tinnitus is often heard inside the head or ears, it can be in both ears or sometimes just one.
Tinnitus can become noticeable for many reasons; this includes changes in hearing levels, ear problems, ill health, stress/anxiety, certain medical conditions and medications and noise exposure.
The Audiology department offers a tinnitus service where we carry out in depth tests to diagnose any conditions and design a care plan tailored to individual needs to help manage tinnitus.
How do we assess tinnitus?
At an assessment appointment to help manage your tinnitus most effectively we will complete:
- Otoscopy- an ear check of the outer ear and ear canal to check the health of this and check for any wax, infections or ear conditions.
- Pure Tone Audiometry- a hearing test to check the quietest sounds that you can hear and to see if you have any hearing loss.
- Tinnitus Functional Index Questionnaire – we will ask you to complete this questionnaire to give us an indication of how much your tinnitus is affecting you and your quality of life.
What management is there for tinnitus?
Everybody needs individual care plans to help manage their tinnitus effectively depending on the results of their case history and results from testing completed.
The treatments offer include all or a combination of the following:
- Counselling
- Sound Therapy
- Tinnitus Retraining TherapyHearing Aids
- Relaxation
These are all provided within the Audiology Service and are delivered by a senior Audiologist and/or a Hearing Therapist.
Our aim is to provide patients with high quality, efficient services, as close to home as possible, tailored to the needs of individuals with low waiting times and free at the point of access.
How to arrange an appointment
The first person you need to see is you GP. They can then refer you to us if the main problems are your tinnitus or hearing.
We are usually able to offer appointments within 6 weeks.
Clinic details
There are two Audiology departments; one situated on the first floor at the Thomas Linacre Centre and the other in Area 5 at Leigh Infirmary.
Audiology Contact details
Telephone: 0300 707 5667
Text: 07920 289578
Support services and groups
Tinnitus UK
World leader in providing support and advice about tinnitus. It strives to be primary source of support and information for people with tinnitus in UK, facilitating improved quality of life. BTA aims to encourage prevention through an educational programme, and to seek a cure for permanent head noise through a medical research programme. BTA works to help individuals with tinnitus, and the wider public, to understand more about tinnitus and coping strategies, and also to raise awareness amongst general public by:
- Confidential free phone helpline
- Over 30 info leaflets distributed free of charge
- Quarterly magazine
- Website containing information and advice
- Attending awareness raising events across UK.
BTA works with medical professionals to support medical and clinical research
Contact Details
Telephone: 0800 018 0527
Text: 078537 416 841
- Hearing Therapy
What is Hearing Therapy?
Hearing Therapy is a service which can provide information, counselling and practical assistance for people experiencing issues with hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis.
Where can I access the Hearing Therapy service?
The Hearing Therapy service is part of the Audiology Department. Referrals can be made to Hearing Therapy from Audiology, or from the Ear, Nose and Throat Department.
Who runs the Hearing Therapy Service?
The Hearing Therapy service is run by the Hearing Therapist, Elizabeth Hesketh, and by the Rehabilitation Audiologist, Clare Wood.
What specific services are offered by Hearing Therapy?
Communication:We can offer sessions of communication tactics for patients, family and significant others.
Lip-reading sessions are available on an individual basis, and we can provide information about local lip-reading groups
We can provide Auditory Training sessions for developing listening ability for people with hearing losses.
We offer assertiveness sessions to enhance patient confidence in explaining their communication needs and hearing problems to others.
We can provide advice-giving sessions regarding assistive listening devices and can refer onto the Sensory Team, for further assistance.
Training and Talks:
We provide training sessions for staff at residential care homes and those within caring professions.
We also run Hearing Loss Awareness talks for professional and public groups.
Advice–giving and Relaxation:
We offer advice-giving sessions for patients with Tinnitus and other sound tolerance issues.
We provide advice-giving sessions to patients who have experienced sudden losses, or those having difficulty coping with a hearing loss.
We offer relaxation sessions for people experiencing problems with tinnitus, sound tolerance issues or hearing loss, to reduce stress and enhance management techniques.
We provide sessions for people needing extra time to develop effective management techniques for using hearing aids.
We provide information and practical help sessions for people who have dexterity, dual sensory loss or memory problems requiring additional help to adapt to their hearing aids using alternative techniques.
We work with the Complex Needs Audiology team to provide rehabilitation packages including hearing aid management and adaptation, communication strategies and equipment assessments for patients with complex needs and hearing loss.
Listening difficulties when hearing is within normal limits:
We are able to offer counselling, relaxation and communication advice sessions to people who have hearing within normal limits but struggle to understand speech, especially in the presence of background noise.
We can provide sessions of Auditory training to assist with listening in quiet and in the presence of background noise.
Further Information:
If you would like any further information, please contact the Audiology Department by:Telephone: 0300 707 5667
Text: 07920 289578
Text Relay Service: 18001 774667
- Employment and Educational Assistance
University and College Disability Support Services are available. These can provide communication support, note-taking assistance, equipment and other services. Each University or College should have a Disability Support Service. Contact your University or College course providers for further information.
Disability Employment Officers are available at Jobcentre Plus to assist you to find, and maintain, employment. They can assist with information about benefits you may be entitled to, and support services, such as Access to Work. There may be other schemes and support services that they can also offer, such as Pathways to Work, or WORKstep.
To speak to the Disability Employment Officer, contact your local Jobcentre Plus.
Wigan Jobcentre Plus
71 King Street, Wigan WN1 1EA
Telephone: 01942 752 100Leigh Jobcentre Plus
Roydale House, 2 – 10 Windermere Road, Leigh WN7 1UT
Telephone: 01942 263 700Access to Work
Access to work is a scheme from the Department of Work and Pensions, designed to provide funding for equipment and support services for the workplace. It is recommended that you speak to your line manager or the occupational health team at your workplace.
You can contact Access to Work, who will do an initial telephone assessment. They may recommend a workplace assessment, or ask you to contact the Audiology Department, depending on your needs.
Telephone: 0141 950 5327
Minicom Number: 0141 950 5218
Wigan and Leigh College Adult Guidance and Careers Service
Wigan Adult Guidance Service
Telephone: 01942 761 607
E-mail Adult Guidance Service
Telephone: 01942 761 438
E-mail (Wigan and Leigh)
Telephone: 0800 953 0109
E-mail - Transition from paediatric to adult Audiology Services
When a young person is about to leave full time secondary education, we start the transition process from our paediatric audiology department to adult audiology services.
Our transition process assists a young person to transfer seamlessly through to adult services, enabling them to take responsibility for their hearing and hearing aids. During transition, we aim to:
- Encourage the young person to take full responsibility for their hearing aids
- Discuss their future plans and support them in considering any areas whether they may need additional help with their hearing in the future
- Make them aware of environmental aids (such as fire alarms, alarm clocks) tailored for individuals with hearing loss
- Ensure all hearing aid technology and ear moulds are up to date
In addition to routine hearing aid appointments we schedule a transition clinic, where young people are able to meet health professionals involved in care of their hearing.
At this clinic they are able to discuss the transition of their care to adult services and explore any support they may need for their hearing in the future.
If you have any questions, please contact Katie Park, Transition Audiologist on 0300 707 5667 or e-mail:
Hearing Therapy Services for Transition Clinic Patients
The Hearing Therapy Service is based within the Adult Audiology Department, at Thomas Linacre Centre and Leigh Infirmary. Hearing Therapy covers a range of management and rehabilitation options for people with a hearing loss, tinnitus and/ or hearing aids.
We can offer you:
- Communication strategies to assist you to use effective communication tactics in an assertive way
- Lip-reading skills to provide further communication methods in difficult listening situations including background noise
- Auditory Training to help with sound processing skills
- Equipment advice for everyday life and work / university environments
- Telephone training to develop confidence in using the telephone
- Assistance with applications to access to work, a scheme run by the Department of Work and Pensions which can provide funding towards equipment and support services to help you to gain and maintain employment.
- Assistance with applications to University Disability Support services for equipment, note-taking and communication support
- Rehabilitation techniques to support adjustment to, and maintenance of, hearing devices and new fittings, when appropriate
- Tinnitus Counselling and advice on techniques to help you manage tinnitus effectively
- Relaxation and assertiveness skills to help in difficult listening environments and situations that are challenging.
The Hearing Therapist will complete a follow up with you at the Transition clinic. The Hearing Therapist can discuss and assess your individual needs at this follow up, and then book further appointments, if necessary.
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Hesketh, the Hearing Therapist on 0300 707 5667 or email:
Support services and groups
Standish Lip-reading Society
The group meets on Monday afternoons.
Venue: Standish Community Centre, Moody Street, Standish.
Time: 12:45 pm – 2:45 pm.Wigan Borough Social Services Sensory Team
Telephone number: 01942 828787
E-mail: on Hearing Loss
Information Line (Free-phone)
Telephone 0808 808 0123
Textphone 0808 808 9000
Email: Tinnitus Association
Telephone 0800 018 0527
Minicom 0114 258 5694
E-mail: – Hull Tinnitus Self-Help group
The group have DVDs to buy that can help with sound and visual enrichment for tinnitus management.
E-mail: - Video Otoscopy
Otoscopy will be carried out at every audiology appointment that you will attend. Otoscopy is the examination of the outer ear and the tympanic membrane (ear drum) using the light from an otoscope. This allows the Audiologist to check the health of your ears and also identify wax, infections, and foreign bodies. Your audiologist will also be able to use a video otoscope. This uses a light and a camera to allow you to see what the audiologist is seeing. The use of a video otoscope is also available at every appointment upon request. Below are some examples of an ear seen using a video otoscope.
Normal Eardrum Normal Eardrum Wax in Ear Canal
- We are listening - Audiology patient feedback
In order to develop and improve our audiology service we rely on the feedback and comments from patients. The statistics will be published once a month to assess a patient's overall experience, how likely they would be to recommend us to family and friends, and any comments they may have.
The We Are Listening audiology statistics are available in PDF format.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC to view these documents. If you don't already have it installed, you can download a copy from the website.
We are listening 2024
Audiology Patient Feedback - January 2024
Audiology Patient Feedback - February 2024
Audiology Patient Feedback - March 2024
Audiology Patient Feedback - April 2024
Audiology Patient Feedback - May 2024
We are listening 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - January 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - February 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - March 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - April 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - May 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - June 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - July 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - August 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - September 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - October 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - November 2023
Audiology Patient Feedback - December 2023
We are listening 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - January 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - February 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - March 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - April 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - May 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - June 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - July 2022
Audiology Patient Feedback - October 2022
We are listening 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - January 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - February 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - March 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - April 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - May 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - June 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - July 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - August 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - September 2021
Audiology Patient Feedback - October 2021
- Support services and groups
Provides support for people with a hearing loss and tinnitus. Provides support for people with additional needs, communication services and training. Offers practical advice to help people protect their hearing. Campaigns to change public policy for hearing loss issues and support research into the eventual cure for hearing loss and tinnitus.
Contact Details: (main web page)
Information line
Telephone: 0808 808 0123
Text: 07360 268 988
Relay UK: 18001 the 0808 808 0123
Email: UK
Provides information to Veterans on whom to contact for advice on various topics, including pensions, welfare support and counselling.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 0808 191 4218
Age UK
Aims to improve later life for everyone, through information, advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research. Offers advice line and befriending service.
Contact Details
Telephone: 0800 678 1602 (Advice Line)
Hearing dogs for deaf people
National charity for training hearing dogs to alert deaf people to everyday household sounds and danger signals in home, work place and in public. The dogs alert deaf recipient to household sound by touching with a paw or nudging with nose to gain attention. The hearing dog then leads recipient to source of sound. If the sound is danger they will lie down. Current waiting time is around 5 years.
Contact details
Telephone: 01844 348 100
Text Relay: 18001 01844 348 100
Address: The Grange,Wycombe Road,Saunderton,Princes Risborough,Bucks,HP27 9NS-
Menieres Society
Registered Charity dedicated to supporting people with Menieres disease and vestibular disorders. Provides information to patients, those who care for them, health professionals and general public. They provide factsheets on a variety of subjects such as driving. They also provide a telephone information line.
Contact Details
Telephone: 01306 876 833
Wigan Sensory Support Team
Can assist with mobility, communication, daily skills and can provide equipment to improve everyday living. Rehabilitation services and equipment are free of charge.
Contact Details
Hearing and vision support (adults) (
Telephone: 01942 828 787
Textphone: 01942 828 781
Online contact form can be found on website.
Address: Wigan Council Sensory Team, Wigan Council, Hindley Town Hall, Cross Street, Hindley, WN2 3AX-
Deaf Support Service for Wigan Deaf Community
Supports BSL Users with communication. Provides remote text, email and video interpreter for Wigan residents with a hearing impairment.
Available 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday.
Text: 07410 380 366
British Acoustic Neuroma Association
The BANA is organised and administered by people affected by Acoustic Neuroma. It aims to provide mutual support, information exchange and listening. Website includes a members’ forum, list of local branches and support groups.
Contact Details
Telephone: 01246 550 011
Leigh and District Deaf Society
A social group open to all who are deaf, hard of hearing, hearing or learning to sign. They offer help and support where needed. £5 annual membership cost. Meet every other Tuesday 7pm-9pm.
Contact Details
Email: Jackie.gorse@virginmedia.comAddress: Leigh Masonic Hall, Ellesmere Street, Leigh, WN7 4BA
National Cochlear Implant Users Association
Offers help to everyone who may benefit from cochlear implant. The organisation campaigns for them to have the opportunity to be implanted, and it represents ongoing interests of cochlear implant users. They hold 2 meetings per year to give the opportunity to see expert speakers, to discuss concerns and to examine latest developments from manufacturers. Also they have local support groups.
Contact Details
Local Group – Cicadia Club (Contact Kevin Williams)
Address: Kevin Williams Honorary Chairman, 107 Manchester Road, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 2BX-
Role: Specialises in meeting needs of people who are deaf or hearing impaired by developing products to assist them.
Telephone: 01737 247571
Live chat is available on the website.-
Access to Work
Access to Work is a publicly funded employment support programme that aims to help more disabled people start or stay in work. It can provide practical and financial support if you have a disability or long term physical or mental health condition.
An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you:
start working
stay in work
move into self-employment or start a business
The grant is not for business start-up costs. How much you get depends on your circumstances.The money does not have to be paid back and will not affect your other benefits.
Telephone: 0800 121 7479
Textphone: 0800 121 7579
Disabled Railcard
The Disabled Persons Railcard is a type of discount card for train tickets that allows those living with disabilities to enjoy savings of up to 1/3 on their rail travel. If travelling with an adult family member, carer or friend, both individuals can get the discount, and any types of tickets can be purchased throughout the UK rail network.
You can apply for the Disabled Persons Railcard if you can prove that you:
- Have a visual or hearing impairment
- Have epilepsy
- Receive either PIP (Personal Independence Payments) or DLA (Disability Living Allowance)
You are also eligible if you receive Attendance Allowance, Severe Disablement Allowance, War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement, War or Service Disablement Pension (disability of 80% or more), or if you use a vehicle through the Motability scheme.
Cost: £20 for the year.
Ask at your Audiology Department for letter of eligibility.
Ask at the railway station for an application form for a Disabled Railcard. You can also download a form at:
Once completed, you can post to:
Disabled Persons Railcard,
PO Box 6613,
DD11 9AN.-
Bus Pass
You can apply for a travel pass if you are a permanent resident of Greater Manchester, and if one of the following applies:
- You are registered as partially sighted person with your local authority. Your application will need to be authorised by the Sensory Team at your local authority, or you must be able to provide a CVI (Certificate of Visual Impairment), which shows your registration.
- You have a profound or severe hearing loss. People are generally regarded as having severe hearing loss if it reaches 70-95dBHL (decibel hearing level), and profound hearing loss if it reaches 95+ dBHL. Your application will need to be authorised by the Sensory Team at your local authority, or you may provide an audiogram which shows your hearing loss meets the required levels.
Download a form from: Travel pass for disabled people | Transport for Greater Manchester (