The team consists of the care of the elderly consultants, lead nurse for older people, specialist nurse for older people, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and social services.
- About Dementia
Dementia is a major concern for health and social care services. It is the single most frequent cause of admission to care homes, and of the need for community care services for older people. The majority of people who develop dementia will be older, however there is now evidence of a younger population who are developing this illness. Of these, a large percentage will require acute hospital care at some time during their later life.
We are committed to improving the care of patients who require our services. The involvement of carers/families is essential to the work that we are doing, as it is they that are the ‘specialists’, and we wish to learn from them.
The other vital ingredient is a workforce who are dementia aware, and have the skills and knowledge required. WWL takes its commitment seriously, and this web site will contain information for professionals and the community to use as a resource and to allow the community to be up to date on the work that is being undertaken.
- Dementia Videos
Find out more about dementia by watching the Hindley Dementia Friendly Community Awareness DVD.
TOP TIPS - gives 10 tips on recognising and understanding the needs of people with dementia
INTRO - shows who we have worked in partnership with, explains what is a dementia friendly community (DFC) and gives key points about dementia
MAIN FILM - explains Hindley DFC, supported by the Alzheimer's Society the voice-over's are carers and people with a diagnosis of a dementia, along with people we have worked in partnership with
- Downloadable Documents
There are some general local and nationally produced information documents on the subject of dementia below:
The Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia
Roles and Responsibilities for Dementia Champions
Dementia - Assessing Confusion
The AQuA Dementia Challenge
Living Well with Dementia: A National Dementia Strategy
Living Well After Diagnosis - A Guide from the Alzheimer's Society
Delivering Accessible Care (Department of Health)
Dementia Friendly Technology CharterWigan Borough Dementia Friendly Community Information
Dementia Support Service Carers LeafletWWL Patient Information Leaflets
CPS 001 Free car parking for those with greatest need
Med 005 Dementia as a palliative condition - what you may need to know
Med 007 Understanding Advanced Dementia (Carer information)
Med 012 Carer's information-Working in partnership
Med 014 Delirium-Understanding Delirium for Patients, Relatives & Carer's
SN 006 Patients with Dementia and their Carer's
- Twiddlemuffs
Twiddlemuffs are a knitted hand muff with interesting bits and bobs attached. They have been designed and developed to provide simple stimulation for active hands while promoting increased flexibility and brain stimulation. Many patients with dementia have found the Twiddlemuff reassuring and comforting.
We’d be delighted if any willing knitters could help us to create more Twiddlemuffs as part of our dementia awareness work. Don’t worry if you are not an expert. The pattern is very simple. If you aren’t a knitter but still want to support the cause, we would welcome donations of new wool, buttons, ribbons, zips or anything that could be used for the muffs.
These muffs will provide our patients with something to sooth restless hands and minimise agitation.
All leaflets associated with this service are available here