Patient Research Advisory Group/PPI
What do we do?
The WWL Patient & Public Involvement & Engagement group (PPIE) has been running for over ten years now and has grown in membership and experience. However, we are always looking for new patients and public members to join our group and would like to ensure we have a diverse membership with a broad range of interests and experiences.
The PPIE group is made up of ordinary people who have experienced being a patient, carer, or a service user.
We are looking for people to join our group to offer their advice and experience as users of the NHS and to have an input into the research that is to be carried out locally. You can contribute as little or as much as you feel comfortable with and as often or as little as you are able.
...and why?
Research is a vital part of the work we do here at WWL, and we are continuously aiming to improve patient care through research.
When NHS researchers develop their research ideas, it is important that it seeks to answer questions that are relevant clinically but also important to the patients and their carers too.
Patient & Public Involvement & Engagement in research refers to an active partnership between members of the public and researchers. This means that members of the public work alongside the research team and are actively involved in contributing to the research process as advisers and possibly as co-researchers.
The PPIE group aims to offer advice to NHS researchers from a patient/carer perspective, considering the requirements and needs of the patient. We may be asked to review a proposed research project or a patient information sheet to check that is clear, readable, and acceptable. We are also able to give researchers personal insights about our experiences and we can help to influence the way that the research will be carried out.
Our aims are:
• To involve patients, public, carers and service users, to work in collaboration with researchers at WWL
• To help to develop research questions and design ways to answer them by working alongside researchers
• Promote and champion the benefit of PPIE in research
• To act as Co-Applicant working as members of teams to develop grant applications to secure funding to carry out research
• To improve patient outcomes
We continue to support large grant applications to the National Institute of Research (NIHR) and to work collaboratively with the study teams to reach publication.
It is important to work with up and coming researchers, to help develop their research ideas and ambitions to become leaders of research in the future. We meet with staff to offer feedback and guidance on their ideas and to support their development in research.
Do you want to get involved with Research at WWL?
Being a member of the group is entirely voluntary and no special qualifications are needed.
If you would like to join the group or would like more information, please contact Helen Spickett, Research Sponsorship Manager via e-mail: or Tel: 0300 7077293
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