Postnatal and Infant Feeding Information
Here you can find information about the care you will receive after your baby is born.
- Maternity Ward Information
If you are not discharged home with your baby from the Delivery Suite, you will be transferred to the Maternity Ward. Your length of stay will depend upon your individual circumstances.
Whilst you are on the Maternity Ward you will either stay in a five bedded bay, or dependent upon your individual situation, a single room.
Single rooms cannot be booked at WWL.
We want you to feel as comfortable as you can during your stay and will provide you with refreshments throughout the day. You are welcome to bring your own snacks and drinks, providing that they do not need to be kept in a fridge or warmed in a microwave as we have no facilities for this.
The mealtimes are 12pm and 5pm daily.
If you would like a member of the Chaplaincy Team to visit you during your stay, please ask a midwife to arrange this for you.
- Visiting
In light of the easing of COVID restrictions nationally, WWL have made the decision to amend the visiting times on the maternity ward from the 12th September 2022. This is under constant review and is based on patient and staff feedback.
Partner: 09.30hrs-21.30hrs
Patients' children: 14.00-15.00hrs or 18.00-19.00hrs
2 Grandparents: 14.00-15.00hrs or 18.00-19.00hrs
- Medication
You may require medication once you have had your baby.
All medications will be given on an individual basis as prescribed and you will be asked regularly if you require any medication for pain relief whilst on the Maternity Unit.
Please speak to a midwife if you have any questions about your medication or require further analgesia (painkillers).
You may wish to have some simple analgesia, such as paracetamol and/or ibuprofen, available at home for after your birth.
The leaflet below discusses more about managing your pain after birth
- Keeping Your Baby Safe
Maternity Unit
Your baby will remain with you at all times unless he/she is on the Neonatal Unit.
There may be times when your baby requires a test, such as a blood test or a review by a paediatrician (baby doctor) and if this cannot be done at the bedside it will be performed in the clinical room. You will be encouraged to accompany your baby.
All WWL staff are required to always wear an ID badge. Do not let anyone take your baby without showing you their WWL ID first or unless they are familiar to you, for example, a midwife who has cared for you before.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Please follow the link below where you will find useful information on preventing SIDS:
What is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? - The Lullaby Trust
ICON is a programme that gives advice and support to cope with your new baby and crying:
Parents Advice | ICON (
- Bonding With Your Baby and Infant Feeding
- What Screening Tests Will My Baby Have?
- What If My Baby Goes To The Neonatal Unit?
It can be a very distressing time when your baby is admitted to the Neonatal Unit (NNU), even if you were expecting it to happen. You will probably have lots of questions about your baby’s wellbeing and the Neonatal Team will always be happy to answer any questions that you may have. The team on the NNU will encourage you to spend time with your baby as soon as it is possible following the birth and provide you with regular updates on your baby’s health.
If you are discharged from the Maternity Unit before your baby is well enough to go home, the NNU Team will encourage you to return to the NNU to spend time with your new baby as bonding during those early weeks is very important.
Please find below links to information that you may find useful
Screening tests for you and your baby: babies in special care units - GOV.UK (
For babies born premature or sick | Bliss
NNU phone number 01942 778504
- Health Information For New Mothers
- What Happens When I Go Home?
When you are discharged from the hospital or have given birth at home you will be visited the following day by one of our community midwives. They will visit to assess you and your baby’s wellbeing and answer any questions that you may have.
The community midwife or maternity support worker will visit on day five to undertake the new born blood spot screening (with your consent) and your baby’s weight will be checked.
Further visits will be arranged on a personalised individual basis dependent upon you and your baby’s needs.
Unfortunately, we cannot always give you a specific visiting time, but this is usually between 8.30am and 5pm.
Please provide a current phone number when you leave hospital/after your home birth, so that the Midwifery Team can contact you should they need to.
If you and your baby are well, your care is usually transferred to the Health Visiting Team at around 14 days.
- Birth Registration
- Health Visitor & GP Information
Services and support for parents - NHS (
Locality 1
01942 482117 Shevington Clinic, Boston House, Longshoot Clinic
Lacality 2
01942 481983 Pemberton Clinic, Chandler House
Locality 3
01942 483891 Ashton Clinic, Hindley Clinic, Platt Bridge Clinic
Locality 4
01942 483689 Leigh Clinic and Golborne Clinic
Locality 5
01942 481018 Atherton Health Centre/Astley Clinic/Tyldesley Clinic
- Information for Partners
- BCG Vaccine
It may be recommended that some babys recieve a BCG vaccination. More information can be found below
- Baby Blues and Postnatal Depression
- Safe Sling Use