Public Engagement
The Trust has a statutory duty to involve service users, carers and the public in the work of the organisation.
The Trust will inform the public of any proposed service changes or variations in accordance with our duties under section 242 of the NHS Act 2006 which can be found by clicking here.
In accordance with section 242 of the consolidated NHS Act 2006, the Trust will involve and consult patients and the public in service planning, operation and in the development of proposals for change. Formal consultation will take place with the public, Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees, other statutory bodies and interested parties for proposals relating to major service changes and closures.
The Trust has an Engagement Committee. The Committee facilitates appropriate requests to contribute to patient and public consultation and monitor all engagement and patient Eeperience activity across the Trust.
The Engagement Committee is made up of members of the Council of Governors, Director of Nursing and Patient Services, Heads of Nursing, Voluntary Services Manager, Head of Engagement, Healthwatch, Chairman and the Trust Board Secretary.
The Head of Engagement is responsible for taking forward the relevant key performance standards in the Trust. This structure provides for integration of all patient experience elements including action plans from the National Patient Survey, Patient Focus Groups, local patient feedback and other patient experience initiatives.