We are committed to providing a service which is patient centred and delivers excellent care. Despite all our best efforts, sometimes things don’t always go as expected. When this happens, we want to learn from your complaint and use this to improve our services here at WWL. We will not discriminate against any individual as a result of making a complaint.
- Download our patient information leaflet for more information
Complaints patient information
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Information comments suggestions problems praise
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Easy read leaflet link
- Complaints Procedure
The Complaints Policy can be provided upon request. If you would like a copy of this policy please ring the Patient Relations Department on: 01942 822376.
A complainant can be a person affected or likely to be affected by the actions or decisions of an NHS organisation, providing NHS services or treatments. A complaint can also be made on behalf of a patient once their written consent has been obtained.
As many problems can be resolved by talking things over, we would suggest that in the first instance you tell the person in charge of the ward or department or the Consultant responsible for your care of your worry or problem. If they can help, they will be happy to do so.
If you feel you cannot discuss your concerns with the department involved or you want to have your concerns looked at more formally, we have a procedure to make sure that complaints are investigated thoroughly and that action is taken if necessary to put things right.
Please be assured that we want to hear your complaint and if you make a complaint this will not detrimentally affect your treatment. Complaints are treated with the strictest confidence and are kept separate from your medical records.
If you have a complaint about any aspect of service provided by Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, or would like more information about the Trust Complaints Procedure, please contact:
The Patient Relations/PALS Department
Wrightington Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane
Telephone: (01942) 822376
Email: patient.relations@wwl.nhs.ukWhen making a complaint, it helps if you tell us:
When and where the problem happened
Your name, address and phone number
The Patient’s name, address and date of birth if you are writing on behalf of a relative or friend and either their consent/countersignature
Any relevant details about what happened
What you would like investigated, this may include some specific questions you may have.
What outcome you wish from your complaint
You may wish to use our downloadable form below:
Download our Complaint Form - Your Complaint
You can make your complaint in writing, email, by phone or face-to-face.
A friend, relative or other representative may complain on behalf of a patient, but we would require the patient’s consent to proceed with a full investigation. The Patient Relations/PALS Department can advise you of this if required.
If you require assistance to make your complaint
If you need some assisance to make your complaint, we will make a written note of it in the form of a statement, and you will be asked to confirm that this statement is accurate. Until your statement has been verified as an accurate reflection of your concerns we cannot start any investigations. Please note, you will need to make an appointment to ensure that there is a member of the team available to assist you.
However we respond to you we aim to provide information, explanations, answers to your questions, and an apology where appropriate. We will inform you about any actions we are taking to improve services in the light of your comments.
Healthwatch is an independent advocacy service which you can access to support in submitting a complaint.
Home | Healthwatch Wiganandleigh
If you have any queries, or a want to discuss making a complaint please email:
Or call 01942 834666 between the hours of 09:30 – 16:00 Monday to Friday.
What happens when you tell us about your complaint
- If you are not satisfied
If you are unhappy with the Trust response to your complaint, please let us know as soon as possible:
if you feel there are any questions we have not answered,
if there are issues where you feel we could take further action, or
f you have any new cause for concern which was not raised earlierThe sooner you contact us the sooner we can discuss with you a way forward. If possible please contact us within 28 days of our final contact with you.
We will be happy to carry out further investigations, where appropriate, and again we may suggest a meeting at this stage, if one has not already taken place.
We would always wish to try to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. However, if you remain unhappy The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman investigates complaints about NHS services, including criticism of how complaints have been handled locally. She will not usually investigate unless you have complained to the Trust and had a final response.
We can provide you with more information about the Ombudsman’s role on request but their contact details are:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
SW1P 4QPTelephone: 0345 015 4033
Email: - Improvements from Complaints
It is important that where we can we identify improvements following complaints. We will regularly update our website with examples of current improvements that have been made.
- The menu for Mondays in our restaurants have been updated and meat options are now available. Lunchtimes are still meat free but with improved options.
- Patient property boxes are in place on wards for patients to safely store their personal belongings.
- Working with Colostomy UK our Facilities team have utilised their plans to update the disabled toilets to make them stoma friendly. Leaflets and stickers for Colostomy Awareness will be used in conjunction to the units going in the disabled washrooms.