Equality Information
Public bodies subject to the specific duties must publish information to show their compliance with the Equality Duty. This means that the information they publish must show that they had due regard to the need to:
eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Act;
advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it; and
foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
How Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust has given due regard to the Specific Duties of the Public Sector Equality Duty:
Inclusion and Diversity Annual Reports
Each year, the Trust produces an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report for the period 1st April until 31st March.
- Inclusion and Diversity Annual Monitoring Reports
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2023/24
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2022/23
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2021/22
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2020/21
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2019/20
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2018/19
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2017/18I
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2016/17
- Equality Delivery System (EDS2)
The Trust has implemented the Equality Delivery System (EDS2) launched by the Department of Health in 2011.
- EDI Strategy
The Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2026 provides the background to the setting of our Equality Objectives to meet the Public Sector Duties of the Equality Act 2010.
- Equality Impact Assessments (EIAS)
An Equality Impact Assessment is a tool used by the Trust to analyse all new/existing policies and services in order to identify what impact or likely impact it will have on different groups within the community. The purpose of conducting equality impact assessments is to make sure that service user’s needs are met, and that there is no discrimination against any groups and that, where possible, the Trust is actively promoting equality.
- Anti-Racist Organisation Statement
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WWL) has recently published its Anti-Racist Organisation Statement, which you can find below, as part of its commitment to anti-racism and opposing all forms of discrimination.
WWL opposes all forms of racism and is committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation. We acknowledge that institutional racism exists in the NHS, our Trust and society at large. We are committed to providing a workplace where everyone is safe and protected from the harm caused by racism and feel a real sense of belonging. We will do this by adopting an explicitly anti-racist approach. Our work tackling racial inequalities is intertwined with tackling health inequalities and associated issues which disproportionately impact on people from black and minority ethnic communities.
In becoming an anti-racist organisation, we will take a number of steps, including, but not limited to:
- Following engagement, launching our shared WWL values which will become the foundation of our culture and enable us to create a place to work and receive care that is diverse and inclusive, where everyone feels valued and supported, and a sense of belonging regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background
- Strengthening the voice of our Staff Networks (FAME, True Colours and Disability and Long-Term Health Conditions) who work tirelessly to support our colleagues with protected characteristics
- Providing specific and targeted support to our Internationally Educated Staff
- Establishing an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group chaired by our Chief Executive, ensuring that senior leaders in our organisation have direct feedback in relation to our progress, providing strong and visible leadership to move forward with the improvements required
As we embark on this journey we will use the North West BAME Assembly Anti-Racist Framework to guide us and adopt strong partnerships with our FAME Staff Network, specifically to provide feedback on our progress. We will continue to monitor progress via the outcomes of our Workforce Race Equality Standard and other national tools which support us to help us in tackling race inequalities.
This pledge is a call to action for all of our WWL colleagues to join us and consider how you can become anti-racist and what actions you will take today to ensure everyone in our workforce feels valued, respected and welcome.
Speaking on WWL’s Anti-Racist Organisation Statement, Jules Tait, WWL’s Chief People Officer said: “The NHS is built on a founding principle of equality and social justice. It is clear from the evidence we have that our black and minority ethnic colleagues have experienced inequalities in the form of discrimination. We also know that people from black and minority ethnic communities have had negative experiences in terms of access and outcomes. It is essential that as an organisation we show our commitment to opposing all forms of racism and discrimination. “
“Through publishing our Anti-Racist Organisation Statement we are demonstrating this commitment and also showing how we will continue to tackle racism moving forward. We can no longer simply be not racist; we will be actively and visibly anti-racist.
“I would like to thank all my colleagues across the Trust who have contributed to putting together our Anti-Racist Organisation Statement and I’m really excited to see how this will be implemented across the Trust.”
WWL’s Workforce EDI Lead, Tim Brown added his thoughts on the importance of publishing this statement commenting: “At WWL we recognise that institutional racism exists in our Trust and the wider NHS. The latest NHS Staff Survey results show that there has been an improvement in the percentage of staff from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds reporting experiences of discrimination, however the percentage of staff from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds experiencing discrimination is still higher compared to white staff and compared to similar NHS Trusts.
“The statement can be a catalyst for creating safe spaces at WWL where racism is spoken about routinely with the aim to improve understanding of its impact on individuals, teams, and the Trust. The insights from engaging with staff with lived experience of discrimination can help co-produce a behavioural framework, which will introduce expectations of behaviour regarding race and the consequences of breaching them.
“WWL will explore opportunities to create an early reporting system that flags up issues of discrimination and provides opportunities for intervention. This will improve staff and patient experience at WWL.”
Tulika Sugandha, Chair of WWL’s For All Minority Ethnic (FAME) Network also added: “As the Chair of WWL’s FAME Network I am delighted to see the publication of the Trust’s Anti-Racist Organisation Statement.
“Through publishing this statement, we are able to show, in tangible ways, how we will continue to fight racism throughout the organisation.
“The statement also helps us to show all patients and all staff, both future and present, that we welcome everyone and are committed to making WWL a place where everyone is welcome.”
If you would like to learn more on what it means to be anti-racist there is a very useful video which explains this on the BBC Bitesize website. You can find the video here.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions
The Trust has a number of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions – Their role is to drive forward Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within their Divisions and to provide support and training to others. Champions attend quarterly Inclusion and Diversity Champion Meetings, chaired by the Trust's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leads.
- Staff Diversity Networks
Our diversity staff networs are made up of people who share the protected characteristics that the network represents (members), and those who do not but want to help to improve working conditions for those who do (allies).
We have 3 diversity staff networks:
- Disability and Long Term Health Conditions + Network (disability@wwl.nhs.uk)
- FAME (For All Minority Ethnics) Network (WWLFAME@wwl.nhs.uk)
- LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual +) Network (LGBTQIA@wwl.nhs.uk)
The purpose of joining our diversity staff networks is to:
- access a safe space to share experiences and opportunities with other members
- have your voice and opinions heard in the Trust
- be involved in equality, diversity, or inclusion projects
- help encourage our culture of lifelong learning by sharing your lived experiences with allies
- Trust policies / practices
The Trust has a number of policies / practices in place which demonstrates compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty:
These are as follows:
Being Open and Duty of Candour Policy
A culture of openness is essential to improve patient safety, experience and service quality.Code of Conduct
Outlines the minimum standards of behaviour expected of employees and the key behaviours that all persons in the Trust should follow.Values and Behaviours Framework
A new framework has been developed by staff for staff. It outlines what we value as a Trust and what attributes we expect our staff to exhibit.Same Sex Accommodatin Policy
To enable staff to monitor when the mixing of sexes occurs and continue to improve the delivery of clean, safe, care with privacy and dignity.Investigation of incidents, complaints and Claims Policy
To ensure there is a systematic approach to the analysis of incidents, complaints and claims on an aggregated basis, and that safety lessons are learnt and shared widely.Incident Reporting Policy
To ensure there is a systematic approach to the reporting of all incidents. To identify systems and processes which could be improved to promote safety and reduce all types of risk within the Trust.Raising Concerns Policy
Making it easier for patients and their carers to raise concerns about the care they are receiving or have received.Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy
To ensure all staff are fully committed to the principles of safeguarding vulnerable adults.Child Protection Policy
To ensure all staff are fully committed to the principles of safeguarding children.Interpreting and Translation Policy
To address the formal process for staff for accessing interpreter and translation services. To ensure fair and equitable access to all Trust Services. - Health and Wellbeing
The Trust has a Health and Wellbeing Group, which has been set up to support staff and can be contacted on Steps4Wellness@wwl.nhs.uk.
- Engagement
The Trust has a Patient Experience Strategy and Consultation Policy which outlines the Trust's values and objectives in relation to community engagement and acts as a mechanism for driving corporate consultation and co-ordinating patient engagement across the Trust.
For a copy of this Policy, please contact:
Head of Engagement
Patient and Public Engagement Department
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane
Telephone: 01942 8222193Evidence of recent engagement activities are summarised within the Inclusion and Diversity Annual Monitoring Reports (For more information, please download the Inclusion and Diversity Annual Monitoring Reports at the top of this page).
- Further Information
For further information / copies of policies / evidence, please contact:
EDI Lead (services)
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Patient and Public Engagement Department
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane
Telephone: 01942 822217EDI Lead (workforce)
Staff Experience, Suite 3
Buckingham Row
Brick Kiln Lane
WN1 1XX Telephone: 07825 967001